How to Empty Roomba – Simple And Easy Guide For You

Generally, it is not a difficult job to operate a vacuum cleaner but at the same time, it is very important to know, how to clean the filter or dust bin of that cleaner. Roomba vacuum cleaners are well appreciated all around the globe due to their efficiency and performance. If you have purchased this vacuum for the very first time and you have used it several times for cleaning, so this is the right time to empty the bin that is full of dirt.

Let Us Discuss, How To Go Through The Process of Emptying Roomba

No doubt, there are many positive things to talk about this model but there are some shortcomings too. One of them is that it has a small bin as compared to other vacuum cleaners so it is filled more quickly.

Therefore, you have to clean the bin on regular basis. Sometimes, you have to clear the bin in the middle of the cleaning, otherwise it will not work appropriately and its speed will be slowed down. I agree, this is really irritating but you have to do this frequently to get better cleaning results.

There are no hard and fast rules to clean this cleaner, what you have to do is, just clean it by hand.

How to Empty Roomba 400 Series

Roomba has introduced different models in the market and each model offers a distinct cleaning method. Here, we will discuss how to empty Roomba Series models accordingly. If, we talk about the Roomba 400 series, just press the bin release button that is located below the clean button and drag it to remove the storage bin.

Clean irobot roomba

Strike the bin alongside the trash basket to get rid of accumulated dust and debris. Now, you can easily remove the filter compartment and swap the sieve. There is one more option, clean the brushes first and then reinsert the bin.

How to Empty Roomba 675, 690, 650, 600, 500 Series

As far as Roomba 500 and 600 series are concerned, start the cleaning task by pushing the bin release button, after that open the bin door, draw the filter and vibrate the bin in order to drain its contents into storage basket. Once, you have got rid of dirt, refit the filter and place the bin back into the vacuum.

Always keep one thing in mind; never try to wash Roomba 500 and 600 series. Do not use any liquid or water to clean these models. You must replace the filters once every two months.

How to Empty Roomba i7 Series

It is quite easy to clean Roomba e and i series. Commonly, people start looking for the bin release button which is not hard to locate, it is positioned on the back of the robot vacuum. Push it to unlock the bin door. The filter is positioned on the left side of the bin, so just hold the filter to remove it.

How to Clean Roomba

When, you have done this job, tap the filter beside the dirt container to take away the debris. Filter can be replaced but cannot come in contact with any chemical or liquid. On the other hand, you can wash the trash bin to remove unwanted remains.

Do not forget to wash it with warm water and it should be dried properly. Do not place the bin into the dishwasher. Focus on this point, the bin is thoroughly dry before putting the filter into it.

How to Empty Roomba 960, 980, 985, 900, 890, 800 Series

Now, we will discuss Roomba 800 and 900 models, they have a little bit different process for emptying the bin. These vacuum cleaners include aero force bins which can catch higher amount of dirt particles. You have to hold the bin release button that is located on the back of the roomba to empty it.

Clean roomba

Now, you have to shake the bin to throw away dirt. You can see a tab on the side of the bin to release door. Compress and elevate it to discover a yellow button. Grab that tab to liberate the filter. You can also shake off rubble by drumming it against the storage can.

What Is The Right Time To Empty Roomba

Generally, it is recommended that the bin of the Roomba should be emptied after each use. And this rule is applicable for all the models of Roomba from 400 to 800 – 900 series.

On the other hand, the Roomba i and e models would automatically let you know when the storage bin is completely full and this is the high time to be emptied.

An indicator is installed in this series and it will flash below the clean button. It can also be seen in the iRobot Home app. When we talk about Roombai Series, the indicator light will turn into red which shows that the bin is full. As far as Roomba e series is concerned, the full bin indicator will also start ringing on the robot.


If you want to enhance the performance of Roomba, you have to empty it frequently.

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